# Workshop Guide for Ubuntu Distribution # # Open the Terminal $ sudo apt-get install pip virtualenv $ git clone https://github.com/visionspacetec/sle-common $ git clone https://github.com/visionspacetec/sle-provider $ git clone https://gitlab.com/librecube/lib/python-sle-user $ virtualenv -p python3 venv-sle $ source venv-sle/bin/activate $ pip install -e sle-common/. $ pip install -e sle-provider/. $ pip install -e python-sle-user/. $ python sle-provider/examples/start_provider.py # Open another Terminal session $ source venv-sle/bin/activate $ python sle-provider/examples/start_gnuRadio_middleware.py # Open the file: python-sle-user/examples/config.py # Fill in the missing values # Values availiable here: # https://github.com/visionspacetec/sle-provider/blob/master/docs/QuickStartGuideLibreCube.md # Open the file: python-sle-user/examples/raf.py # Change line 11 to: # auth_level='none', # Comment lines 48-52 out: # #if raf.state != 'active': # # print("Failed to start data transfer. Aborting...") # # raf.unbind(reason='other') # # time.sleep(2) # # return # Open another Terminal session $ source venv-sle/bin/activate $ python python-sle-user/examples/raf.py # Open sle-provider/examples/udp_data_endpoint.py # Change line 13: # looping_call.start(1) # Open another Terminal session $ source venv-sle/bin/activate $ python sle-provider/example/udp_data_endpoint.py # Extra session on the Management API with Jupyter Notebook $ git clone https://github.com/visionspacetec/sle-management-client $ source venv-sle/bin/activate $ pip install jupyterlab $ pip install ipywidgets $ jupyter nbextension enable --py widgetsnbextension $ pip install -e sle-management-client/.